I've installed some new features for the forum. Let me know if you have any feedback. These are not all the features that will be installed as I have more in store. Stay tuned
The new features:
Profile comments: You can now leave comments on people's profiles and they will get notified if they received new profile comments.
Image auto-resize: Images now resize automatically if they are too big for a forum post. Just gotta make sure this also works for spoiler encased pictures.
Buddy listing: While there was already a buddy system in place by default this feature extends on that and you can now see member's buddies on their profile. It also includes a little bit of a better placed add/remove buddy link.
Profile image: You can now set a profile image for your profile. Think of it as a profile banner like they have on Facebook. You can find the "profile image" settings in the user control panel underneath "edit profile". General rules for the content on profile images do apply.
Profile status updates: You can now set status updates on your profile page. These will also be displayed at the bottom of the forum index (not the portal) where you can also set your status. Later on I'll see if I can enable the "Post To Twitter" option as this is a possibility.
Full edit/reply: It is now possible to go from a quick edit or reply to a full edit or reply. And it saves what you typed from the quick versions.
Profile albums: You can now make picture albums on your own profile and people can can comment on it. You can edit photo's on the photo page itself and you can edit your album on its page. You can find all the album settings on your UCP on the bottom of all your settings.
Warning for private messages: You can set a warning message in your PM settings. This will be displayed to the person trying to PM you. Think of it as kind of a answering machine.
Steam integration: Since SE is going more gaming oriented this has to be included. It will show members who are online and playing what game (non-Steam games don't work). You can integrate Steam with your profile by going to your UCP and clicking on Steam Integration in the Edit Profile section (under Edit Options). Members who have enabled this feature will be listed on the index page as well on the portal page. The list refreshes every 2 minutes.